It has been testing for everyone, but particularly for those working in the health sector, over the last few years. The challenges during the pandemic of looking after the infected whilst simultaneously trying to stop the spread stretched an already overloaded sector to breaking point. Despite this, due to the commitment and the sense of duty of individuals in the NHS and the wider sector, the nation got through the peak of Covid-19 and owes everyone involved a huge debt of gratitude.
Unfortunately, the challenges facing the sector haven’t subsided post-pandemic. Issues such as backlogs and staff shortages continue and new tests such as rising inflation and industrial action have added to the burden.
With this in mind, we have used the vast experience and expertise Xenonex has within healthcare to curate a collection of services and courses to support the main challenges of the sector which we have found fall into the following three broad categories:
Staff morale is at an all-time low, especially in the NHS, due to pay pressures, long waiting lists, understaffing, lack of resources and increasing demand. These factors have led to work overload, stress, bouts of impostor syndrome and even fear of actual harm to patients.
This collection of courses has been designed to assist professionals in the healthcare sector to play to their strengths and provide them with the tools to handle the pressures of increasing demands.
Strong leadership and coaching skills are essential during difficult times to engage healthcare staff, providing them with an adequate level of support and with a clear vision of how current challenges can be overcome.
However, mastering the managerial is a completely different skill set from the clinical aspects of a leadership role. The courses below take a practical approach to help healthcare professionals to build effective working relationships within and across organisations and provide authentic and compassionate leadership whilst:
leading others and delivering strategic tasks
managing priorities
aligning clinical and management teams
improving staff morale
Problem-solving and creative thinking to adapt for the long term can be extremely difficult whilst firefighting with immediate pressures. Our 1 to 1 and Team Leadership Coaching provides leaders in healthcare with the space and support to reflect on current situations and consider what steps are required to make improvements for the future. This includes challenges such as:
prioritising concurrent, overlapping strategic challenges from multiple sources such as the NHSE, CQC and Integrated Commissioning Boards
juggling ‘business as usual’ with building plans for the longer-term sustainable needs for NHS
systemic thinking to connect all parts of service including health and social care and combining NHS Digital with NHS England
how to retain existing staff, as well as attract new colleagues